Anime Beyond
Yato and Kazuma embark on their joint mission to defeat the Master of the Arts. The morning is dawning and the great, heavenly purification ceremony will soon begin. The two of them don't have much time left. Not even to rescue Yukine, who has been unresponsive since he began serving the Master of the Arts as the new Shinki. Having become suspicious of Yato, he desperately searches for his father - his untraceable murderer. Meanwhile, the fateful battle between Yato and the Master of the Arts escalates...!
Volume 25 of the series.
Bibliographic information:
Publisher: Egmont Manga
Author: Adachitoka
ISBN: 978-3-7555-0075-9
Release date: 06.03.2023
Edition: 1st edition 2023
Language: German
Number of pages: 194 pages
Reading age: 14 years and up
Dimensions: 11.5 x 1.5 x 18 cm