Anime Beyond
Team Star Breaker Set - Hasbro Beyblade Metal Masters (Evil Befall, Flame Byxis und Hades Kerbecs)
Team Star Breaker Set - Hasbro Beyblade Metal Masters (Evil Befall, Flame Byxis und Hades Kerbecs)
3, 2, 1, Let it rip!
This is how the fun begins with the Beyblades, which come from the anime of the same name. Each character in the series has their own Beyblade.
The Beyblades have different abilities. There are those of the Attack, Defense, Stamina, and Balance types. The rotation direction of most Beyblades is right, although some can also spin to the left.
The packaging is slightly damaged (e.g., with dents, creases, small tears, or discolorations). The product image is for illustrative purposes only.
Contents of the package:
3 Beyblades (Evil Befall, Flame Byxis, and Hades Kerbecs)
2 starters with matching string
Assembly tool
The Beyblades of the Metal series consist of various metal and plastic parts that can be exchanged with most other Beyblades from the Metal series. This allows players to assemble their own Beyblade and thus change their abilities.
Inside the package are all the parts of the Beyblade with the appropriate tool to assemble the Beyblade, as well as a starter with a matching string. After assembly, you can start playing right away.
It is recommended to use the Beyblades in a Beyblade arena.
The recommended age for playing is 8 years and older. The Beyblades are suitable for playing, but also for collecting, as the Hasbro Beyblades of the Metal series are no longer produced.
Keep out of reach of small children, as there are small parts that can be swallowed.